Exciting day for the lab! Our brandnew Orbitrap Exploris 480 instrument got delivered from Germany and is waiting to be installed.
We welcome two rotation students from the Chemistry program to the group: Jasmin Tindal and Yizhi (Vera) Fu.
We received official news from NIGMS that our R35 MIRA grant has been approved for funding!
The lab was well represented at this year's symposium of the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology. Madison, Katie, Carleen and Mason presented posters on their research projects. And huge congratulations to Katie for winning a poster award! Our lab spent a relaxing day away from the bench paddling down the Narrows of the Harpeth River. Carleen, Katie, and Lars attended the ER FASEB Conference: From Unfolded Proteins to Disease in Snowmass, Colorado. We all got a chance to present our latest results, caught up on exciting research from other groups, experienced the thin air and beautiful Colorado mountains, and were able to take a lab photo at 12,000 ft! Madison traveled to Atlanta for the annual American Society of Mass Spectrometry conference to present his latest results.
Nana is joining us from Cornell University for the summer as part of the NSF Chemical Biology REU and Leadership Alliance Program. He is working on a joint project in our group and in Lauren Buchanan's lab. Welcome!
Jonathan Davies and eli mcdonald join the group (and are both Appointed to TrAining Programs!)5/20/2019 Our two newest graduate students include Jonathan Davies from IGP and Eli McDonald from QCB, and both got awarded spots on T32 training programs. Eli joins our group as a joint trainee with the Meiler group in the Center for Structural Biology. He will be supported by the Vanderbilt Chemistry Biology Interface (V-CBI) program. Jonathan will be supported by the Cellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Sciences (CBMS) program. Congratulations to both of you! Welcome Jonathan and Eli!
Congratulations to Amanda Cao for getting selected for the Vanderbilt Chemical-Biology Interface (V-CBI) T32 training program.
AuthorNews from the Plate Group. Archives
September 2019
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